Rise Up For Action

Support Sheriff Clarke’s request
Contact your County Republican Party: Find Your County Party – Republican Party of Wisconsin (wisgop.org)
Click on the link: Wisconsin State Legislature Home Page and select “Who are my Legislators?” find your county and click. Your Senator and Representative should appear along with their contact information. Please contact the Republican Legislators.
Leaders to call or email:
Robin Vos
(608) 266-9171
(888) 534-0063
Call and speak directly to someone or leave a message with the suggested talking points: Let your Representative or Senator, County Party and the leaders of the Senate and Assembly know that you agree with Sheriff David Clarke.
Call Robin Vos’s office and State: I am DEMANDING Rep. Ramthun’s staffer be returned to him as soon as possible to allow Rep. Ramthun to fulfill his responsibility to his constituents. STOP playing king or queen maker for the Republican primary for Governor. That role is for WE THE PEOPLE!
Keep us from abandoning the Party. Because we are CLOSE TO DOING SO!
Provide your name, address, and phone # if you are leaving a message.
Suggested Email or phone call to your Senator/ Representative.
Dear Senator/Representative __________________,
I am requesting that you join and support State Rep. Timothy Ramthun in his request for the return of his full-time staff person. “We the People” DEMAND representation by our elected representatives with the proper staff support and are asking you to stand up for what is right.
Keep us from abandoning the Party. Because we are CLOSE TO DOING SO!
Thank you.
City, State

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