September 27, 2021 – Wisconsin Full Forensic Physical and Cyber Audit Update (FFPCA)
The preliminary results of the Full Forensic Physical and Cyber Audit (FFPCA) are in for Arizona and they are beyond devastating involving election integrity and apparent criminal behavior involving cyber, physical and canvassing components of the FFPCA!
Friday’s FFPCA Report in Arizona was just the tip of the spear for what is about to come out in Arizona regarding the authentication of real vs. fake ballots through the kinematic process, which is one of the things we want to complete in Wisconsin and expect similar results.
Here’s a summary of what the preliminary FFPCA Report shows for Arizona in spite of the endless efforts from the press/media to debunk, dispute and discredit the report:
- Some 53,305 ballots with potential issues
- Some 23,344 Mail-In Ballots voted from prior address
- Some 9,041 More Ballots returned by voter than received
- Some 5,295 ballots from voters who potentially voted in more than one county
- Some 3,432 more recorded votes than the recorded number of people who voted
- Some 2,592 more duplicate ballots than original ballots sent to duplication (process to replace damaged or mismarked ballots)
- Some 2,382 in-person ballots from voters who moved out of Maricopa County during the 29-day period preceding the election
- Some 2,081 ballots for voters that moved out of Arizona during the 29-day period preceding the election
- Some 1,551 votes counted in excess of voters who voted
- Some 397 mail-in ballots sent without there being a record of being sent
- Some 393 ballots that had incomplete names
- Some 282 votes cast by individuals who were flagged as deceased
- Some 198 votes cast by individuals who registered to vote after the October 15th deadline
- Epoch Times (www.epochtimes.com) reported on the Arizona FFPCA on Friday, September 24th (Arizona Senate Hears of Multiple Inconsistencies Found by Election Audit (theepochtimes.com)).
- The Gateway Pundit also provided excellent and truthful coverage of the Arizona FFPCA (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/reasons-decertify-az-70000-ballots-duplicated-material-issues-7-times-bidens-margin-victory-devices-missing-data-deleted-criminal-activities-referred-authorities/).
- Many cyber compromises to the voting machines were also revealed in spite of many months of countless legal, political and procedural attempts from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (several republicans) and Secretary of State (democrat) to deny cyber auditors access to the voting machines, routers, user/password logs, scanners, tabulators and modems to verify election fraud. Most of the cyber data was purposely and deliberately deleted in February of 2021 just before the audit started. The bad news is a lot of cyber data was deleted. The good news is the individual that deleted the cyber data has been identified via a video recording that he did not know was recording him.
- The Arizona Presidential Election was allegedly decided by 10,540 +/- votes.
- For those of you who were not able to watch the hearing live, this YouTube link will afford you the opportunity to watch it in its entirety (Arizona Audit report presentation, Cyber Ninjas share their results of election audit – YouTube 3 hours and 6 minutes).
Kinematic Analyst Jovan Hutton Pulitzer only submitted 3 of his 14 reports for the Arizona Senate Hearing on Friday. It is expected that the remaining 11 reports will be the most damaging and irrefutable of all that document the “status” of real vs. fake ballots and will be released very soon.
Criminal referrals from the Arizona FFPCA have already been made to the Attorney General of Arizona (Attorney General Mark Brnovich Issues Statement Regarding Arizona Senate’s Draft Report on Audit | Arizona Attorney General (azag.gov)).
Does the truth of the FFPCA move the needle in Arizona? The Arizona FFPCA was initiated in the Arizona Senate in April of this year and the Arizona Senate is currently controlled by republicans 16-12 (two vacancies due to democrats resigning earlier this month), but like Wisconsin, Arizona has some squishy republicans and the Senate will have to decide what to do with the FFPCA Report. Maybe the Arizona Senate could quickly meet to address the election fraud and do the right thing before their 2022 Election Cycle gets started in December.
Like Wisconsin, Arizona will only have 4 options of what to do with the FFPCA Results. The Arizona Senate can: do nothing, do a do-over, decertify or declare a different candidate the winner for the November 3, 2020 Federal Election. Truth and facts will hopefully always lead to doing the right thing.
More updates with tomorrow’s daily update.
Best regards,
Jefferson E. Davis
Ad-hoc Committee
Wisconsin Full Forensic Physical and Cyber Audit (FFPCA)